This EA will help you to grab plenty amount of profit in a BEARISH direction with a calculative risk-reward ratio.

While doing trades most of the time we see that the market will flow like a flood in any trending direction (BUY/SELL). This EA will help you to grab a large amount of profit by opening several trades in a BEARISH trending direction by assigning TARGET and STOPLOSS.

It will assign the TARGET to the previous BUY trade when the next SELL trade opens.

We can put TARGET to the last level SELL trade. If the price touches the last level target level overall position will get closed. We can decide how many levels/positions we want to open.


Lot size: The initial level of lot size that we want to open

Entry Price: The price level we want to start with. (Price)

Total Levels: How many levels/positions that we want open

Level Difference: Pip-wise difference between the trades.

Last level target: You can assign a target to the last level trade in Pip

Stoploss: Pip-wise STOPLOSS

Magic Number: You can use this EA on multiple charts with different parameters you just need to change the magic no.


After achieving the last level target all trades will be closed. Also, EA will automatically be removed.




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